ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

President of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Okay kiddo, so have you ever heard of presidents before? They are the people in charge of a country and they help make important decisions to keep the country safe and happy. Well, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country that has one president who is in charge.

Now, the president of Bosnia and Herzegovina actually has three people in the job! That may sound a little strange, but it's because Bosnia and Herzegovina is made up of different groups of people who have their own languages and cultures. In order to make sure everyone's voices are heard, they have a system where the president is made up of three people who each represent a different group.

The three people who make up the president are called the Presidency members. One member represents Bosniaks-people who speak Bosnian language-, one represents Croats- people who speak Croatian language-, and one represents Serbs-group of people who speak Serbian language.

Each member of the Presidency takes turns being the chairperson, or leader, for eight months at a time. They work together to make decisions for the country and meet with leaders from other countries to talk about important issues.

So, that's a little bit about the president of Bosnia and Herzegovina and how they work together to make sure that everyone in the country has a say in what happens.