ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pressure-sensitive paper

Pressure-sensitive paper is a special type of paper that reacts when someone applies pressure to it. Imagine you are playing with play-doh and you press it down with your finger, leaving behind an indentation. The pressure-sensitive paper works in a similar way, where when we press down on it, it leaves behind a mark.

This paper has two layers. The top layer is made of a material that is sensitive to pressure, and it reacts when we push on it. The bottom layer is made of a sticky material, kind of like glue. The two layers are stuck together.

When we write or draw on the paper, the pressure we apply with the pen or pencil pushes against the top layer. This creates a tiny electrical charge which can be read by a computer or scanner. The computer then translates this charge into what we see on the screen.

Pressure-sensitive paper is often used in things like receipts or labels. When we write on receipts, we need something that can show what was written, while still sticking to the page. This is where pressure-sensitive paper comes in. It allows us to write on it, while still sticking to the page, and can be scanned or read by a machine to show what was written.