Price optimization software is like a really smart toy for businesses. Imagine your mom has a store where she sells cookies. She wants to make sure she sells the cookies at the right price, so she can make the most money.
But it's hard for her to figure out the best price on her own. Sometimes she might sell them for too little and not make enough money, or she might sell them for too much and nobody will want to buy them.
That's where the price optimization software comes in. It's like a toy computer that helps your mom figure out the best price for her cookies. She tells the software how much it costs to make the cookies and how much she wants to make in profit, and then the software does some magic with numbers to figure out the perfect price to sell the cookies.
It's like having a really smart calculator for your mom's store. And when the software figures out the best price, it makes sure your mom's store makes the most money possible. Cool, huh?