ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Price revolution

Have you ever gone to a store with your parents and noticed that the candy or toys cost more than they used to? Well, that's kind of like what happened a long time ago in Europe, but instead of just candy and toys, everything got more expensive. This is called the price revolution.

A long time ago, in the 1500s, there was a big change in Europe that caused prices to go up, up, up! One reason for this was that a lot of really valuable things were coming from places like America – like gold, silver, and tobacco – and people really wanted them. More people wanted these things than there were things to go around, so the price went up.

But, there was another reason for the price revolution. People were discovering new ways to make money, like trading goods and services with each other. When more people started to specialize, or do only one type of job, they could do it much better than before, and people were willing to pay more for their services.

With prices going up, some people had more money and some people had less. The people who had already been rich stayed that way, but the poor got poorer because they couldn't afford everything that was more expensive.

So, that's what happened during the price revolution. Everything got more expensive – from candy and toys to the things that people needed to live. People who had a lot of money were able to keep buying what they needed, but people who didn't have a lot of money had a much harder time.