ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Princely states of India

Imagine a big country called India where there are many small areas ruled by different kings. These areas are called princely states. Each prince or king has his own palace and rules over his own people.

In the past, India was ruled by many big empires like the Mughals and the British. But even when the British took over India, they didn't take control of all these little areas. Instead, they let the princes keep their power and rule over their own areas.

Some of these princely states were very small with just a few villages, while others were bigger with more cities and people. But all of them had their own way of doing things and their own laws, which were different from other parts of India.

The princes were often very wealthy and powerful. They would have lots of servants and soldiers to protect them. They would also have beautiful palaces with big gardens and fountains. Sometimes, they would even have pet tigers!

But even though the princes were so powerful, they still had to follow some rules set by the British. For example, the British would control the army and the foreign affairs, which means they would deal with other countries on behalf of India.

Eventually, India became an independent country and all these princely states had to decide whether to join the new India or stay separate. Most of them chose to join India, but some decided to stay independent.

Today, there are no more princely states in India. Instead, the country is divided into states and union territories, each with its own government and laws. But we can still see the palaces and forts that the princes left behind, which remind us of India's rich history and culture.