ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Princess and dragon

Once upon a time, there was a princess who lived in a castle, and there was a dangerous dragon who lived in a nearby cave.

The dragon was very scary and would often breathe fire, so everyone in the kingdom was afraid of it. One day, the dragon decided to kidnap the princess and take her to its cave as a prisoner.

The princess was very brave and smart, and she knew she needed to find a way to escape. She started to think of a plan, and finally came up with an idea.

She knew that the dragon loved to eat meat, so she started to feed it lots of food every day. She would give it cows, pigs, and other animals to eat, and the dragon grew bigger and bigger.

One day, the princess put a sleeping potion in the dragon's food, and the dragon fell asleep. She climbed on the dragon's back and rode it out of the cave.

When the dragon woke up, it was surprised to find that it was outside the cave, and it had no memory of how it got there. It realized that the princess had tricked it and had escaped.

The princess was now safe and free, and the kingdom rejoiced. They all lived happily ever after.