ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Principle of minimum energy

Imagine you are playing with a bunch of marbles on a big slope. You have a whole bunch of marbles and you want to see how they roll down the slope. Some marbles might start at the very top of the slope and roll really fast, while other marbles might start a little lower and roll slower.

Now let's say you want to find out which marble will get to the bottom of the slope first. This is where the principle of minimum energy comes in. The principle of minimum energy says that things in nature, like marbles rolling down a slope, will always try to take the path that uses the least amount of energy.

Now let's think about energy. Energy is like a power that helps things move or do work. In our case, it's what helps the marbles roll down the slope. The more energy a marble has, the faster it will roll and the more distance it can cover.

So, coming back to our marbles on the slope, the ones that are higher up have more potential energy. Potential energy is like stored energy that will be used when the marble starts to roll. Once the marble starts rolling, its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion.

The marbles that are lower down have less potential energy, so they start with less energy to convert into motion energy. This means they will roll slower than the marbles higher up the slope.

Now, since the principle of minimum energy tells us that things in nature prefer the path that uses the least amount of energy, the marbles will all try to take the quickest and most efficient path to the bottom of the slope. This means that the marbles higher up will roll faster, covering more distance, while the marbles lower down will roll slower, covering less distance.

In the end, the marble that started at the very top of the slope will reach the bottom first because it had the most potential energy to convert into motion energy. The marbles lower down will take more time to roll down because they started with less potential energy.

And that, my little friend, is the principle of minimum energy – things in nature, like our marbles on the slope, will always try to take the path that uses the least amount of energy.