ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Principles of war

The principles of war are different ideas that help people win wars. They are like guidelines that give people useful strategies and advice so they can win a battle. The most important principles of war are:

1) Objective: This means having a goal in mind when it comes to fighting and making sure you stay focused on that goal so you can do the best to reach it.

2) Offensive: This means you should focus on attacking the other side instead of waiting for them to make the first move.

3) Mass: This means you should have a large number of troops working together, instead of small groups that are separate.

4) Economy of Force: This means you shouldn't use too much of your force in certain areas that don't need as much protection.

5) Maneuver: This means staying flexible and having your troops move around quickly if needed.

6) Unity of Command: This means having one person in charge and making sure everyone works together to get the same goal.

7) Security: This means keeping your plans secret.

8) Surprise: This means doing something unexpected so the other side won't be prepared for what you're doing.

9) Simplicity: This means having a plan that is simple and easy for everyone to understand and follow.

Put together, these principles of war can help you win a battle by keeping you focused on your main goal, attacking the other side, working together, being flexible and unpredictable, and staying organized and secure.