ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Priscillianism is a religious belief system that was popular in the 4th century A.D. It was founded by a man named Priscillian who believed that everyone should receive the same kind of spiritual experience, no matter what their social or economic background was. To make this happen, Priscillian proposed that spiritual experiences could be achieved by following certain rituals and practices. These included spending time in prayer and fasting, as well as abstinence from certain foods. Priscillian also believed that material things such as money and possessions were not necessary for achieving spiritual enlightenment. The followers of Priscillianism also believed that their spiritual beliefs were superior to those of other religions and thus should be respected and followed. Priscillianism was eventually declared a heresy by the Roman Catholic Church and was eventually extinguished by the Spanish Inquisition.
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