ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prison Train

Okay, so you know how when people do bad things, they sometimes have to go to a place called prison? Well, sometimes there are a lot of people who need to go to prison, but the prison is very far away from where they live.

So what they do is they put all the people in a special train. It's like a very long train with different little rooms on it where people can sit or sleep. The train moves on train tracks and can go very far.

The people on the train are all prisoners, which means they did something wrong and need to be separated from the rest of society for a while. This is because they need to learn to behave better and not do bad things again.

The prison train takes the prisoners to the place where the prison is. This is usually very far away in a different part of the state or even in a different state altogether.

The prisoners stay on the train until it gets to the prison. Then they get off the train and go into the prison where they stay until they have learned their lesson and are ready to come back to society.

That's basically what a prison train is, a train that takes prisoners to prison when it's too far for them to go by car or bus.