ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Private nonindustrial forest land

Okay kiddo, so you know how some people have big pieces of land with trees on them? That's called a forest. Sometimes, people own a forest that isn't used for making things like paper or furniture. We call that private nonindustrial forest land.

Private means it belongs to someone and nonindustrial means it's not being used to make products. It's just a beautiful piece of land with trees on it that someone wants to take care of.

These forests are important because they provide a home for animals and help keep our air clean. People who own private nonindustrial forest land can choose to sell timber or hunt on the land, but they also have to take care of the trees so they can keep growing and doing their job of keeping the environment healthy.

So, just like taking care of your toys keeps them in good condition, taking good care of private nonindustrial forest land helps make it a beautiful and healthy place for everyone and everything around it.