ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Private school

Alright kiddo, let me tell you about private school!

You know how you go to school every day? Well, there are different types of schools. There are schools that are owned and run by the government, and those are called public schools. But there are also schools that are owned and run by people who aren't part of the government, and those are called private schools.

Private schools can be different from public schools in a lot of ways. For example, private schools usually charge money for kids to go there. So, just like how you have to pay for some things at the store, your parents have to pay money to the school so that you can go there.

Another difference is that private schools can pick and choose which kids they want to let in. They might have special requirements, like you have to be really good at sports or be really smart. So not all kids can go to private school.

Because private schools can be picky about who gets in, they can be really good at things. They might have special programs for things like sports, music, or art. They might have smaller classes, which means you get more attention from your teacher. And they might have really high standards for things like behavior and academics.

But, just like with everything else, there can be some downsides to private school. For example, if your family isn't rich, it might be really hard to afford the tuition. And if you don't get accepted to the private school you want to go to, you might not have any other good options.

So, in short, private schools are schools that are run by people who aren't part of the government, and they can be different from public schools in a lot of ways. They might charge money, be picky about who gets in, and have special programs or higher standards. But they can also have downsides, like being expensive or hard to get into.