ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Probing amendment

Okay kiddo, so you know how when you do a puzzle, sometimes you have to try out different pieces to see if they fit in the right spot? Well, that's kind of what a probing amendment is.

In the big world of grown-ups, people who work in government sometimes have to make decisions about things like laws and rules. When they're making these decisions, they might have a big idea about what they want to do, but they need to figure out all the little details first.

That's where a probing amendment comes in. It's like a little piece of a puzzle that they can try out to see if it fits in with the big idea. They might suggest a change to a law or rule to see how it would work in practice, or to see if it would cause any problems.

So it's kind of like testing out a new piece of the puzzle, to make sure it fits in with the rest of the picture. And if it does, they can use that amendment to help make the bigger decision about the law or rule they want to create.