ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Problem book

Okay, so imagine you're playing with some toys and you come across a really tough puzzle. You try and try to figure it out, but you just can't seem to solve it. That puzzle is like a problem in a problem book!

A problem book is a book filled with really tricky puzzles, riddles, and questions that are meant to challenge your mind. Some problem books are meant for kids and have easier puzzles, while others are for grown-ups and have really difficult puzzles.

The cool thing about problem books is that they help you learn how to think critically and creatively. When you try to solve a puzzle in a problem book, you have to use your brain to come up with a solution. Sometimes you'll have to think about things in a new way or look at things from a different perspective to solve the puzzle.

It's kind of like going to the gym for your brain! Just like how you exercise your body to make it stronger, you can exercise your brain to make it smarter and more creative. And the more you practice solving puzzles in problem books, the better you'll get at it!