ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Process (engineering)

Okay kiddo, have you ever helped your mom or dad bake a cake? If yes, then you already know a little bit about processes!

Process engineering is like baking a cake, but instead of using ingredients like flour and eggs, we use machines, chemicals, and different tools to create something useful or valuable.

Just like how baking a cake requires following a recipe, process engineering requires following specific steps in order to achieve a desired outcome. We call these steps a “process”, and they can vary depending on what we want to make.

For example, if we want to make something like gasoline or plastic, we follow a chemical process. This involves taking raw materials and using chemical reactions to turn them into the desired product.

If we want to make something like a car or a computer, we follow a manufacturing process. This involves using machines and tools to build the product piece by piece.

Process engineering can be used in many industries, like oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, food production, and more.

So, in short, process engineering is all about using different machines, chemicals, and tools to create something useful or valuable by following specific steps, just like baking a cake!