ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Production brigade

Well, little one, a production brigade is like a team of people who work together to make something. Think of it like when we work together to build a tower out of blocks - we all have a different job to do, like stacking the blocks or finding new ones to add, and we work together to make the tower taller and taller.

In a production brigade, it's the same idea. There are different people who have different roles - some might be making the materials needed, others might be putting everything together, and still others might be in charge of making sure everything is working well. They all work together to make something, like a car or a computer or even just a simple toy.

And just like with our block tower, the production brigade has to work together very carefully to make sure everything goes smoothly. It's important that everyone communicates well and does their job carefully, so that the finished product is good and safe for people to use.