ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Production team (China)

Okay kiddo, so a production team in China is a group of people who work together to make things. Like when you play with Legos and you put together a cool spaceship, a production team in China puts together lots of things like toys, clothes, and electronics.

The team includes different kinds of workers like designers who come up with ideas, engineers who figure out how to make things work, and workers who actually put things together.

They work in a big factory where they have all the tools they need to make things efficiently. They have machines that cut and sew fabric for clothes, machines that put together pieces of electronics, and machines that paint and package toys.

The people on the team have to work together and communicate well so they can make things quickly and correctly. Once they finish making something, it gets shipped to different parts of the world so people like you can play with toys, wear clothes, or use electronics that were made by the production team in China.