ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Professional boxing

Professional boxing is a sport where two people get in a ring and punch each other using big gloves. They do this to see who is the better fighter!

Before the fight, the fighters have to agree on how long they will fight, how many rounds they will have, and what weight they will fight at. This is important so that both fighters have an equal chance at winning.

When the fight starts, the boxers will use their fists to try to hit the other person. They will also try to dodge and avoid being hit themselves. They will do this for a certain amount of time, usually a few minutes, and then rest between rounds.

There are judges who will watch the fight and decide who is doing better. They will award points to the boxer who is landing more punches and controlling the fight. If one fighter gets knocked down and can't get up before the referee counts to 10, the other fighter wins the fight.

People pay money to watch boxing fights, whether it's in person at the arena or on TV at home. Boxers can make a lot of money if they become popular and win a lot of fights!