ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Progestin-induced virilisation

Hey there kiddo! So, sometimes people take something called progestin to help with certain health things. Progestin is a special kind of hormone that can do different things in different people.

In some cases, people who have a uterus (that's where babies grow) take progestin to help stop them from bleeding too much or too often. In other cases, people with certain medical conditions might take progestin to help their bodies work better.

But sometimes when people take progestin, it can cause something called virilisation. That's a fancy way of saying that their bodies might start to look and act more like a boy's body. So, someone who is a girl might start to grow hair on their face, chest, or back, just like boys do. Their voice might also start to sound deeper, like a boy's voice.

This might not sound very nice, but it's important to remember that everyone's body is unique, and sometimes our bodies might need a little extra help to stay healthy. If someone does experience these changes while taking progestin, they should talk to their doctor to see if there are other options that might work better for them.