ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Program optimization

Program optimization is like making a cake better. Just like how you might add more chocolate chips or mix the batter longer to make a tastier cake, programmers can make their programs work better by making changes to their code.

When we say "optimization," we mean finding ways to make a program run faster or use less memory. This can make the program work better, especially if it's a very big or complex program.

Programmers can use different techniques to optimize their code. They might change the way the program is written, how data is stored, or how calculations are performed. Sometimes, they might even change the hardware that the program runs on!

Just like how you might have to try a few different recipes before you find the perfect cake, programmers might have to try a few different optimizations before they find the one that works best. But when they do, it can make a big difference in how well the program works.