ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Programming model

A programming model is a set of rules and guidelines that programmers use to write software programs. It's like a big set of instructions that tells them what they can and can't do when they're building code. Just like when you are playing a game, your parents tell you the rules of the game, and you have to follow them, programmers have to follow the rules of the programming model to create the program they need.

Imagine you have a bunch of Legos and want to build a house. You have to follow certain steps to build it, like laying the foundation, putting up the walls, and adding the roof. In a similar way, when programmers start building a program, there is a certain sequence of steps they need to follow for it to work. It’s like a set of rules that they have to follow, just like in a game.

Each programming model is designed for a specific type of program, like a video game or a website. Just like different games have different rules, these programming models have different rules for different types of software. Some of the most common programming models include object-oriented programming, procedural programming, and functional programming.

In conclusion, a programming model is a set of guidelines that programmers use to create software programs. They have to follow these guidelines like rules in a game to ensure that the program works correctly. These guidelines differ depending on the type of program they are creating.