ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Progressive revelation (Christianity)

Progressive revelation in Christianity means that over time, God has revealed more and more about himself and his plan for humanity to people. Just like when you're learning to read, you start with easy books and then move on to harder ones, God has given people more information about him and his plan at different times in history.

For example, in the Old Testament, God revealed himself to people through prophets like Moses and Isaiah. He gave them laws and rules to follow, and taught them about his holiness and the need for sacrifices to make up for their sins.

Later on, God revealed even more about himself through Jesus. Jesus taught about God's love for all people, and showed people how to love one another. He also taught that he was God's son and that anyone who followed him could have eternal life.

After Jesus died and was resurrected, God revealed even more through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God's presence with us, and helps us understand the Bible and live out God's plan in our lives.

So basically, progressive revelation means that God has been revealing more and more about himself and his plan for us over time, so we can learn and grow in our faith.