ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Project Apollo

Project Apollo was a very big and important project that happened a long time ago in the 1960s. It was when people from Earth wanted to go up to the Moon and see what it was like.

Lots of really smart people worked on this project and they built a big spaceship called the Apollo spacecraft. There were three big parts to the spacecraft: the Command Module, the Lunar Module, and the Service Module.

The Command Module was where the astronauts stayed and controlled the spaceship. The Lunar Module was the part that landed on the Moon so the astronauts could walk on it. The Service Module had engines and other important things that helped the spaceship move around.

When the spaceship was ready, three astronauts would climb inside and blast off into space. They would travel all the way to the Moon and then the Lunar Module would detach and land on the Moon's surface.

The astronauts would put on special suits that would let them walk on the Moon and explore. They would collect rocks and take pictures to send back to Earth so we could see what it was like up there.

After a little while, the astronauts would climb back into the Lunar Module, take off from the Moon and meet up with the Command Module in space. Then they would all travel back to Earth together.

Project Apollo was a really amazing achievement for people on Earth. We learned a lot about space and what it takes to go to the Moon. We also learned that when we work together and use our smart brains, we can accomplish really incredible things!