ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Project Azorian

Project Azorian was a top-secret mission that happened a long time ago in the 1970s. It was secretly conducted by the United States government to try and retrieve a large sunken submarine called the K-129, which belonged to the Soviet Union.

Now, imagine the K-129 submarine as a big underwater car that sank deep down into the ocean because of a problem. The US government wanted to get this sunken car because it had some secret weapons and information that they wanted to know about.

To get to the bottom of the ocean to retrieve the submarine, the US government had to use a special ship that was built for this mission, called the Glomar Explorer. This ship was very important because it had a big crane on it that could reach down to the bottom of the ocean, pick up the submarine, and bring it back up to the surface.

But, getting to the bottom of the ocean was a challenge because the ocean is very deep, and there was no way for the US government to know exactly where the submarine was located. So, they had to use special equipment, including cameras and robots, to search the ocean floor for the sunken submarine.

After many months of searching, the Glomar Explorer finally found the submarine and was able to retrieve a large section of it. However, the mission was not a complete success because only part of the submarine was recovered, and the US government could not retrieve all of the secrets and information they were hoping for.

Despite its mixed results, Project Azorian was still considered a major achievement in underwater technology and engineering.