ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Project Camelot

Project Camelot is like playing detective but on a really big scale. It's like when you see in movies people try to solve mysteries by finding clues and asking people questions. But instead of a small mystery, Project Camelot tries to find out information about really big things like hidden government secrets or conspiracy theories.

People who are part of Project Camelot are like reporters but they don't work for a newspaper or TV station. They try to find out things that other people don't want to tell us. They talk to people who might have secrets or who know things that are hidden from us. They also do research on the internet and in books to try to find out more information.

Sometimes people might not want Project Camelot to find out what they are up to, so they might try to keep things hidden. This makes it harder for Project Camelot to get information, but they keep trying anyway because they believe it's important for us to know the truth about things.

Overall, Project Camelot is a group of people who try to find out big secrets about important things using clues, interviews, and research.