ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Project Kaisei

Project Kaisei is like a big group of people who want to clean up the ocean because it's like a giant trash can. We all know that we need to clean our bedroom when it gets too messy, and the same is true for the ocean. The plastic we throw into the ocean doesn't just dissolve or disappear, it stays there for a very long time and it's bad for all the fish and creatures living in the ocean.

So, Project Kaisei wants to go to the ocean and pick up all the trash, they want to use special boats that can collect huge amounts of garbage and bring it to shore. And once they have all the trash they will try to find ways to recycle or dispose of it properly so it doesn't end up back in the ocean again. Kind of like sorting your toys, you put the toys you want to keep in one pile, and the toys you don't want in another.

The team also wants to put some special machines in the ocean that can collect small pieces of plastic, that are too tiny to see, and this way they will help keep the fish and other sea creatures safe. And they will also teach people about why it is important to take care of the ocean and how we can all help. It's like when your teacher teaches you to clean up after yourself and not to litter.

All of this is to make the ocean a cleaner, safer and healthier place for all its creatures, just like our homes are happier places when they are clean and tidy.