ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Projective space

Okay, so imagine you have a really special type of paper that can bend and twist in all sorts of different ways. Let's call it magic paper.

Now imagine you draw a bunch of dots on that magic paper. Each dot represents a point in something called normal space. Normal space is just regular space like the one you walk around in every day.

But here's where things get interesting. With magic paper, we can do something called projective space. This means we can take those dots we drew and we can stretch and squash and move them around so they look different.

But wait, why would we want to do that? Well, it turns out that sometimes we want to understand things in a different way. Sometimes, moving things around can make it easier to see patterns and relationships that we couldn't see before.

Projective space is really just a way of looking at things differently. It's like playing with play-doh. You can make all sorts of shapes and figures, and sometimes they look like something completely different than what you started with. But that's the fun part!

So next time you have some magic paper, try playing around with projective space and see what cool shapes and patterns you can make!