ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever put on a play or a show at home or at school? If you have, then you know that there are a lot of things to remember and to do before and during the show.

One of the most important things is to have a prompt-book. A prompt-book is a very special book that helps the people who are in charge of the show remember all the things that need to happen.

It has lots of different parts to it, just like a toy with lots of pieces to put together. One part is called the script, which is like the words and actions that the actors have to say and do. Another part is called the stage directions, which is like a map that tells the actors where they should stand or walk on stage.

The prompt-book also has notes and reminders for things like special effects, lighting, props, and sound. These are like the special things that make the show look and sound really cool.

Everyone who is working on the show, like the actors, the director, and the stage crew, will use the prompt-book to help them remember what to do. They might even write notes in it if they need to remember something special.

So basically, a prompt-book is like a big, helpful guidebook that helps everyone involved in the show remember what to do and make sure everything runs smoothly.
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