ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Propaganda Due

Propaganda Due, also known as P2, was a secret society in Italy that was operating in the 1970s and 1980s. It was made up of important people, like politicians and business leaders, who met in secret to make important decisions.

These people wanted to have more power and control in Italy, so they used P2 as a way to do it. They spread propaganda, which is like information that is meant to make people think a certain way, to try to change how people thought about certain things in the country.

They also used P2 to help each other get more power and money. They would give each other jobs, favors, and even money to try to get ahead.

But, P2 was illegal and eventually got caught by the police. The leaders of the society were arrested and put in jail. The government also had to change the laws to make sure that secret societies like P2 did not happen again.