Prostitution is when someone pays another person for sex. It's a job that some people do to make money, but it's not a good or safe job. In Asia, some women and men do this job because they need money to survive or because they think they can make a lot of money quickly. However, this job is not safe because they can get diseases or hurt by the people who pay them for sex.
When someone pays for sex, it's not legal in most countries. But in some countries in Asia, it's a little bit different. In some places, they're not allowed to sell sex, but they're allowed to have a brothel, which is a place where people can go to pay for sex. This is still not safe because the people who run the brothel can be mean to the women and men who work there.
Also, there are many children who are forced into prostitution in Asia. This is very bad and against the law. It's called human trafficking, and it's when someone takes a person and makes them do something they don't want to do, like selling sex. This is very dangerous for children because they can get hurt or get a disease.
In summary, prostitution in Asia is when people pay for sex, but it is not a safe job. Sometimes it is legal, but it's still not safe because people can get hurt. Additionally, it is not safe for children because they can be forced into prostitution by human traffickers, which is illegal and very dangerous.