Okay kiddo, let's talk about something that's grown-up stuff called prostitution in the United Kingdom.
Prostitution means when someone sells their body to another person to have sex with them. It's illegal to sell sex on the street, but it's legal if you do it indoors like in your house, a brothel, or a hotel room.
When people talk about prostitution in the United Kingdom, they usually mean people who work on their own or with other sex workers in their home, in a brothel or from a hotel room.
Prostitutes use the internet or newspaper ads to advertise themselves and find clients. Some people say that it's important to make sure that prostitutes are safe, and that's why it's legal to have sex for money indoors.
Some people don't like prostitution and think it should be illegal, but others think it's okay as long as it's done safely and everyone involved is a consenting adult. In some places in the United Kingdom, people who buy sex can be charged with a crime, but in most places, it's not against the law.
So basically, prostitution is when people sell sex for money, and it's not allowed on the street but can be done legally indoors. Some people think it should be illegal, but some think it's okay if it's done safely and both people agree.