ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Protective multiple earthing

Protective multiple earthing, or PME for short, is a system used to keep people safe from electric shocks. It works by taking the electricity that powers our homes and businesses and sending it through a big wire called the earth wire. This wire is connected to a very special metal rod that is put deep into the ground.

Now, if for some reason an electrical wire inside your home or business breaks, the electricity could escape and end up in the metal parts of your appliances or devices. If you touched any of these metal parts, the electricity would flow through your body and could hurt or even kill you. But with PME, the electricity flows through the earth wire instead and goes straight into the ground. This keeps you safe by making sure the electricity doesn't go through your body.

PME is a very important safety feature in electrical systems, and it's required by law in many countries. So always make sure your homes and businesses are properly grounded to keep you and your loved ones safe from electric shocks.
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