ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Protein tandem repeats

Okay, so you know how when you build with blocks, you might repeat the same block over and over again to make a tall tower or a big house? Well, proteins in our bodies can also repeat the same part over and over again to make a big protein – this is called a "tandem repeat".

Imagine a bead necklace – each bead is like a repeated chunk of the protein. Just like how you can make a different necklace by changing the order or type of beads, the same is true for proteins – changing the number or type of repeats can change what the protein is and what it does.

Sometimes, a protein will have a lot of the same repeated chunk in a row, and this can have different effects – like making the protein stronger or more flexible. Scientists study these repeats to understand more about how proteins work and how they can be used to help people stay healthy.