ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proto-Greek language

Proto-Greek is a very old language that people spoke a very long time ago. It's kind of like how you might speak English or another language today, but it's really different because it's from a really long time ago.

People who spoke Proto-Greek lived in an area that's now called Greece, and they spoke it thousands and thousands of years ago. The language was so old that it was even spoken before there were written words, so we can't read what people wrote in it at the time. But we can figure out what it must have sounded like and what some of the words were because some people wrote things down in later times that were similar.

As people started to live in different parts of Greece, they began to speak different versions of Proto-Greek. These different versions eventually developed into different languages that we call Ancient Greek, which is also very different from the Greek people speak today.

So, to sum it up, Proto-Greek was a really old language that people spoke in Greece a long time ago before there were written words. As people moved around and developed new ways of speaking, Proto-Greek eventually evolved into the Ancient Greek language that we know today.