ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proton beam writing

Proton beam writing is like using a very special pencil to draw with. Instead of using normal graphite, we use tiny particles called protons. These protons are like little balls that are so small we can't see them with our eyes.

Scientists use special machines called accelerators to make these protons move really fast. When the protons are going really fast, we can use magnets to steer them to exactly where we want them to go.

When the fast-moving protons hit a special material called a resist, they can make a tiny hole in it. This is like when we use a pencil to draw on paper – the pencil makes a mark on the paper. But in proton beam writing, the protons make a very, very small hole instead.

Scientists can control where these holes are made by guiding the protons with the magnets. They can create patterns of tiny holes that are so small they can't be seen without special microscopes. These patterns can be used to make tiny, intricate things like computer chips or tiny sensors.

So proton beam writing is a way to make very small patterns using tiny particles called protons that are steered with magnets, to make very small holes on a special material called resist. This helps scientists and engineers make very precise and detailed things!