ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prototype-based programming

Prototype-based programming is a way of coding where we use objects to make other objects. Imagine if you were making a LEGO car. You would start with a basic car shape and then add pieces to it to make it special. Prototype-based programming is like playing with LEGOs where you make a base object (the basic car shape) and then add different pieces to it to make other objects (special cars with different pieces added).

In programming, these base objects are called prototypes. You can use a prototype to make another object by adding or changing some properties or methods (the pieces). So instead of writing code from scratch, we can use a prototype as a starting point and modify it slightly to make a new object.

For example, let's say we have a prototype of a dog. This prototype has some basic properties and methods like "name", "color", "bark()", and "run()". We can then use this prototype to create new dogs by changing their name or color, or by adding new methods like "fetch()".

So instead of writing code for each individual dog, we can use the dog prototype as a template to create many different dogs quickly and easily. This makes programming faster and more efficient.

In summary, prototype-based programming is a way of making new objects by using a base object (prototype) and modifying it slightly to create a new object. It's like playing with LEGOs where you use a basic LEGO structure as a starting point and add different pieces to create something unique.
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