ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Provincias Internas

Well kiddo, do you know what a province is? It's like a big area of land that is part of a country. And the provincias internas were a special group of provinces in Mexico a long time ago.

When Spain owned Mexico, they divided it up into smaller provinces. The provincias internas were a group of provinces that were in the north and were more difficult to control. They had a lot of Native American people living there who weren't always happy about being controlled by Spain.

To help keep things under control, Spain made the provincias internas a separate group and put a special leader in charge. This leader was called the Commandant General of the Internal Provinces. They were in charge of things like making sure the people followed the rules, protecting the borders, and making the province better for Spain.

The Commandant General also helped make the provincias internas more organized. Before, the provinces were kind of like their own little countries with their own rulers. But now, they had to follow the same rules and be part of the same group, which made things easier for Spain to control.

So provincias internas were just a special group of provinces that Spain made to help control the harder-to-control areas in northern Mexico. And they had a special leader in charge to help keep things organized.