ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Provisional District of Saskatchewan

Ok, so you know how we live in a big country called Canada, right? And inside Canada, there are different areas called provinces and territories. Saskatchewan is one of the provinces, kind of like how your room is one part of your house.

Now, a long time ago, when people were first starting to explore and settle in Saskatchewan, the government made some changes to how the province was divided up. They made new areas within Saskatchewan that they called "provisional districts". It's kind of like drawing lines on a map to show where different groups of people live or work.

These provisional districts were kind of temporary, like a first draft or rough sketch. The government made them so they could keep things organized while they were figuring out how to divide the province into more permanent areas. Think of it like drawing a rough outline of your drawing on a piece of paper before you start coloring it in.

So even though the provisional districts aren't used anymore, they are still important to remember because they helped shape how Saskatchewan developed over time. They were like a starting point for making the province the way it is today.