ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pryce Pryce-Jones

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about a man named Pryce Pryce-Jones! He was a really smart guy who came up with a really cool idea a long, long time ago.

Back in the olden days, when people wanted to buy things, they had to go to a store and look at everything the store had to offer. But Pryce Pryce-Jones thought that was kind of silly, because not everyone lived near a good store, and sometimes there were cool things in stores far away that people didn't even know about!

So, he decided to create something called a mail order catalog. What that means is that people could look at a big book (a catalog) with pictures and descriptions of all kinds of things they could buy, and then they could order them by mail. That way, people could buy cool things without having to leave their homes!

Pryce Pryce-Jones was really good at running his mail order business, and lots of people loved it. He sold all kinds of things - clothes, toys, tools, even furniture! His business grew and grew, and he became very famous for creating the mail order catalog.

Nowadays, lots of people still buy things from catalogs or online stores, and we have Pryce Pryce-Jones to thank for helping make that possible!