ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Public bookcase

A public bookcase is like a big shelf that everyone can use to borrow and give away books. It's like a special place where people can share their books with others in the community. You might see one of these bookcases outside a library, in a park or even on a street corner.

So, imagine you have a special book that you really love and you want to share it with other people. You can go to the public bookcase and put your book there for someone else to borrow. And if you're looking for a new book to read, you can go to the bookcase and find something that looks interesting.

But it's not just for grown-ups! Kids' books can go in there too. And if you find a book you really like, you can take it home with you and read it as many times as you want. Then, when you're done with it, you can bring it back to the bookcase for someone else to enjoy.

It's a great way to make sure that lots of people get to read lots of different books, no matter how much money they have. And it's also a fun way to discover new books and make friends with other book-lovers in your community.
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