ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Public holidays in Canada

Ok, so you know how sometimes you don't have to go to school or mommy and daddy don't have to go to work because it's a special day? Those special days are called holidays!

In Canada, there are a bunch of different holidays that we celebrate. Some of them are for everyone, like Christmas and Easter, and some of them are just for certain parts of Canada or for certain groups of people.

For example, there's a holiday called Canada Day that everyone in Canada celebrates on July 1st. That's the day when Canada became its own country! It's like a big birthday party for all of Canada.

There are also holidays for important people or events. For example, there's a holiday called Victoria Day that happens in May to celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday. She was an important queen from a long time ago who helped make Canada what it is today.

Some holidays are just for certain groups of people. For example, there's a holiday called Eid al-Fitr that's celebrated by some people who are Muslim. It's a special day to mark the end of Ramadan, which is a month-long period of fasting and prayer.

Each province and territory in Canada might also have its own holidays that are important to the people who live there.

So, holidays are special days that we celebrate to remember important events or people that are meaningful to us. And in Canada, we have a bunch of different ones that we get to enjoy!