ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, let's talk about publications!

When we talk about publications, we're talking about things like books, magazines, and newspapers. They're things that people write and put out into the world for others to read.

Sometimes people write books themselves, and sometimes they work together with other people to create a book. Once the book is finished, it's sent to a publisher. The publisher is kind of like a guardian angel for the book - they help get the book printed and put out into the world for people to read.

Magazines and newspapers work a little differently. They usually have teams of writers who work together to create articles and stories. Once they're done, the articles get sent to an editor. The editor is kind of like a helper who makes sure everything is spelled correctly and makes sense. Then, the articles are put together in a big bundle and printed out as a magazine or newspaper.

Once the books, magazines, or newspapers are printed, people can buy them and read them. That's what makes publications so great - they're a way for people to share their stories, ideas, and knowledge with everyone else in the world!