ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Puerto Rico (proposed state)

Okay buddy, so do you know what a state is? A state is like a big group of people who live in the same area and follow the same laws.

Puerto Rico is a little island in the middle of the ocean, and right now it's not a state, but some people want it to be a state. That means they want Puerto Rico to join the big group of other states in America, like Texas and California.

But there is still some debating going on because Puerto Rico has a different culture and language than the other states. So some people think it's better for them to be their own separate thing, but other people think it's better for them to be a state.

In the end, it's kind of like when you can't decide if you want to be friends with a different group of kids on the playground. You have to talk it out and figure out what's best for everyone.