ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pulse generator

A pulse generator is like a toy that makes a noise every time you press a button. Imagine you have a big red button that you can press and it makes a "beep" noise. Now imagine that button is connected to a machine that can make lots of "beeps" really fast. That machine is called a pulse generator.

The pulse generator sends out little signals that are like the "beeps" from your toy button. These signals can be sent out really fast, like a hundred times a second, or really slowly, like once every few minutes. It all depends on how you set the pulse generator.

People use pulse generators in all kinds of different machines and devices. Scientists might use one to measure how fast something is moving, or doctors might use one to help control someone's heart rate.

So basically, a pulse generator is a machine that sends out little signals, kind of like the sound of a toy button, but really fast or slow, depending on what you need it for.