ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Punjabi Wikipedia

Okay, imagine you have a big book with lots of pages, like a storybook. This book is called Wikipedia. It has information about lots of different things, like animals, plants, places, and people.

Now, some people speak a language called Punjabi, and they want to learn more things and read about them in their own language. So, they made a special version of Wikipedia in Punjabi language, which is called Punjabi Wikipedia!

Just like the regular Wikipedia, it has pages with lots of information, but it's all written in Punjabi. You can search for anything you want to know, and if someone has written about it in Punjabi, you can read it there!

Punjabi Wikipedia is a place for people who speak Punjabi to learn new things, share knowledge with others, and communicate in their own language. It's like having your own special storybook full of interesting things to read about!