ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pure Chemistry

Pure chemistry is like baking a cake. Imagine you are making a cake and you have all the ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs, butter, milk, baking powder etc. Just like these ingredients, chemists have their own ingredients to make something new, which we call chemicals.

They use these chemicals to create new things that can be used in everyday life such as medicines, plastics, soaps, foods, etc. Pure chemistry is when they want to learn more about these chemicals and how they act and react with each other.

Just like how you mix some ingredients and get a cake, chemists mix chemicals to get new things. But, they don’t just mix random things together. They do experiments and try to understand how these chemicals behave, and what happens when they come in contact with other things.

They study tiny particles called atoms and molecules. These particles are too small to see with our naked eyes, but they make up everything around us. Just like how you assemble Lego blocks to make a structure, chemists study how atoms and molecules join together to form more complex structures.

So, pure chemistry is about understanding the science behind the things we use every day and how they work. It's like a big game of puzzle where scientists try to find the right pieces to make the perfect picture.