ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Quadruple and quintuple innovation helix (Q2IH) framework

Ok kiddo, let's talk about something called the quadruple and quintuple innovation helix (q2ih) framework.

This is a way of looking at how innovation happens in society. Imagine that innovation is like building a big tower. To build a really tall tower, you need to work together with lots of different people and organizations.

The quadruple innovation helix framework says that there are four key groups of people who need to work together to make innovation happen:

1. The government: This is the group of people who make the laws and rules that help innovation happen. They might give money to researchers or create programs to help small businesses.

2. The university: This group of people includes professors, researchers, and students who come up with new ideas and technologies. They might create new products or discover new ways of doing things.

3. The industry: This is the group of people who create the products and services that we all use. They might use the new ideas and technologies from the university to make things that are better or more efficient.

4. The citizens: This group of people includes all of us! We use the products and services that the industry creates, and we can also help come up with new ideas by giving feedback and sharing our opinions.

The quintuple innovation helix framework takes it one step further by adding a fifth group:

5. The environment: This group of people represents the natural resources and ecosystems that are important for innovation. For example, scientists might study plants and animals to find new medicines, or engineers might find ways to make products that are better for the environment.

So, the quadruple and quintuple innovation helix frameworks are just ways of saying that innovation happens when lots of different people and groups work together, including the government, the university, the industry, the citizens, and the environment.