ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Qualcomm Hexagon

So, you know how your brain helps you do things like talk, walk, and even think? Well, just like that, the Qualcomm Hexagon is kind of like a big brain inside your phone that helps it do all sorts of things really fast.

See, your phone has all sorts of little parts that help it work, like a screen, a battery, and a speaker. But to make all those parts work together, your phone needs a special kind of computer called a processor. And the Hexagon is a really powerful processor that can do a lot of things all at once.

One of the things the Hexagon is really good at is helping your phone take pictures and video. When you take a picture, your phone has to do a lot of work to turn what the camera sees into a picture you can see on your screen. The Hexagon can help your phone do that work really fast, so you don't have to wait long to see your picture.

The Hexagon can also help your phone understand what you're saying when you use a voice assistant like Siri or Google Assistant. It can listen to your voice, figure out what you're saying, and then help your phone do what you asked it to do.

So, think of the Hexagon like a really smart helper inside your phone, that helps it do all sorts of things really fast and really well!