ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Quattuor abhinc annos

"Quattuor abhinc annos" is a Latin phrase that means "four years ago." It is used to talk about something that happened four years in the past. Imagine you have a giant calendar with all the days of the year written on it. When you want to talk about something that happened four years ago, you go back in time and look at the day that was exactly four years before today.

Let's say today is January 1st, 2023. If you use the phrase "quattuor abhinc annos," you are looking at the day of January 1st, 2019. You can think of it as if you're taking a time machine and going back to a specific day four years in the past.

When we say "four years ago," it's like reaching back in time to find a moment that happened a while back. By using the Latin phrase "quattuor abhinc annos," we can specify exactly how far back in time we're talking about. It's like having a special phrase that tells you the exact number of years that have passed.

So next time someone uses the phrase "quattuor abhinc annos," you now know they are talking about something that happened exactly four years ago.
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