ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Quick access recorder

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a black box in an airplane? A quick access recorder is like a little computer inside that black box. It records important information like flight data, cockpit voice recordings, and other things that happen during a flight.

The quick access recorder is like a secret spy that watches everything that happens on the airplane. It can tell us how fast the plane was going, how high it was flying, whether the pilots were doing everything right, and even what they said to each other.

This information is really important because it helps people figure out what happened during a plane crash. Scientists and investigators can use this information to find out what went wrong and how to make planes safer in the future.

So in a nutshell, a quick access recorder is a super smart computer that records information during a flight that helps people investigate plane crashes and make flying safer for all of us!